On Tuesday, February 23rd from 3pm to 5pm a meeting will be held on UniGe's internationalisation programmes, in particular Erasmus and Cinda.
The event is aimed at potential future users of internationalisation programmes and aims to answer any questions they may have, illustrating in particular
- why it is useful to spend a study period abroad during the university course of studies
- how to best prepare for this experience
- how to participate in the call for applications for scholarships
The meeting will take place online, on the team called "SLIPA private law".
To participate use the code idcm8s3.
On this occasion will speak:
- Prof.ssa Michela Miraglia, delegate of the Department of Law to international relations
- Prof.ssa Isabel Fanlo Cortes, referent of the Department of Law on the CINDA programme
- Prof. Giovanna Savorani, coordinator of the SLIPA degree course
- Dott.ssa Claudia Canese, UNIGE Internationalization sector
- Miss Giulia Pestarino, student of the SLIPA degree course