From student tutors to all Computer Science students:
On Wednesday 21 April at 5pm there will be an assembly about the student elections (now very close).
It won't be a classic lecture with lecturers, we tutors will be there to talk about who is/what is a student representative at the university and especially about its importance.
As you will see on Wednesday, for our course in Computer Science we have up to 8 seats available for student representatives, and it would be really important for everyone (us students and teachers) to have one or more voices for each year, in order to be able to really bring the voice of all of us students in the council of the course.
So we invite you to participate, it is worth participating also to want to know another part of the university world that goes beyond the lessons and exams (smile).
The code of the team in which there will be 'the meeting and' this here: kzzz4yc
See you next Wednesday, have a great weekend!