As of September 1, 2021, new provisions to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection will go into effect under which all university personnel must possess and are required to display COVID-19 green certification, the so-called "Green Pass" (Decree Law No. 111 of August 6, 2021; MUR Circular August 7, 2021).

According to the new provisions:

  • non-compliance with the obligations by staff is considered unjustified absence and from the fifth day of absence the employment relationship is suspended and no pay or other compensation or emolument, however named, is due;
  • university students must also be in possession of the COVID-19 green certification for participation in didactic and curricular activities in attendance;
  • the requirement of possession of green certification COVID-19 does not apply to persons exempted from the vaccination campaign on the basis of appropriate medical certification issued according to the criteria defined by circular of the Ministry of Health.

These provisions will remain valid until December 31, 2021.