They are opened the registrations to the V edition of the master of I level in Marine and Transport Insurances - MASMET promoted by the University of Genoa, Department of Economy, in collaboration with: Alta Broker & Partners, Assiteca, Aon, Cambiaso Risso Marine, Fedespedi, Ital Brokers, Marsh, Mo.Bi. Consulting, P.L. Ferrari & Co., Queirolo & Associati, SIAT Società Italiana Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni, Studio Legale Righetti, SwissRe International SE Rappresentanza per l'Italia, UnipolSai Assicurazioni and the support of Confindustria Genova.
The aim of the Master is to train highly specialised personnel in the field of maritime insurance, favouring the development of managerial skills, stimulating the acquisition of a methodology of approach to the problems of the company that allows flexibility and the ability to adapt to innovation in the management of the various problems of the sector.
The Master's course meets the requirements for the Regione Liguria "Specializzarsi per competere" (specialise to compete) initiative, which provides funding for vouchers for the total reimbursement of the enrolment fee for residents in Liguria under 35.
Application deadline: 15 November 2021
To learn more visit the useful link.