Before the test
If you are a registered candidate (with pre-registration and payment by the deadline) for the test on September 10, remember to check the e-mail you gave at the time of registration because you will receive there very important information and instructions for the day of the test by CISIA, the interuniversity consortium that manages the platform for the online test.
After the test
By September 16, 2021, on the homepage of this site you will see the ranking.
The successful candidates, usefully placed in the rankings, must enroll as soon as possible and in any case by 12.00 on 30 September 2021 following the instructions in the notice (see other notices relating to the competition on the homepage of this site).
Even if you are not placed in a useful position in the rankings, if you are eligible, you can still submit a request for reassignment of seats available as a result of waivers, with procedures and deadlines always indicated in the notice.
Once enrolled in the course of study
On this site, together with colleagues already enrolled following the test in July, you will find all the information for the start of the lessons of the first year scheduled for the first days of October.