The XXXV edition ofLatina Didaxis, organized by Celd - Centro dipartimentale Latina Didaxis, will have as its theme"Carmine Pierio rationem exponere nostram. Intrecci fra letteratura e scienza nella letteratura latina", and will be held entirely online on the Microsoft Teams platform, at the address:
Friday, November 5, 2021, 3:00 p.m.
Alessandro Schiesaro (Manchester): End of the world and 'end of history' in Rome: eschatology, apocalypse, palingenesis.
Alice Bonandini (Genova): Eclipse of the sun and cosmic reversal in the myth of Tieste
Renato Oniga (Udine): Varro and the science of language
Francesca Romana Berno (Rome Sapienza): From one to five (or six) universal floods. Still on Sen. nat. 3, 27-30
Saturday, November 6, 2021, 10:00 am
Elisa Romano (Pavia): On the margins of culture, on the margins of literature: architecture and medicine, 'non-liberal arts'.
Daniele Pellacani (Bologna): Archimedes' planetarium: the ekphrasis of a scientific instrument
Stefano Pittaluga (Genoa): Epidemic and Virgilian rewriting. The Syphilis of Girolamo Fracastoro