
With a directive of the Council of Ministers of 14 October 2021 was established the National Space Day in order to celebrate the launch of the first Italian satellite, San Marco 1, which took place on December 15, 1964, thanks to which Italy was among the first countries in the world to overcome the Earth's atmosphere.

On this occasion, public administrations, in coordination with research bodies, promote attention and information on the national space sector. In particular, UniGe and INFN - National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Genoa section, are organizing an afternoon of conferences with teachers and researchers of both institutions to expose to the public their study and research activities.


December 16, 2021, from 3:00 p.m.


Online, on the INFN YouTube channel, at the first useful link.

For a complete list of speakers and titles of talks, visit the page in the University magazine, at the second useful link.