Art&Science across Italy is a European project of the CREATIONS network (H2020) organized by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and CERN to promote scientific culture among young people, combining the languages of art and science. The objective of the project is to bring students closer to the world of science and research, regardless of their aptitude for scientific subjects and their initial knowledge, using art as a language of communication.
88 works created by about 260 students from the schools that have joined the project Art&Science across Italy will be exhibited in the interactive exhibition "Colors and Images of Science. The art of scientific research": from black holes to studies on climate change, from chemical to magnetic phenomena, international artists and Ligurian students meet to tell science through art.
From 1 to 21 April 2022
University Library of Genoa, via Balbi 40, Genoa
Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:30 to 18:30
Wednesday and Friday, from 8:30 to 14:30
Free entrance
The exhibition is organized by INFN, Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry of the University of Genoa, IIT, CNR-IMEM and CNR-SPIN.
Read more on, the University magazine, at the useful link.