The results of the third Research Quality Assessment(VQR) carried out by theNational Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research(ANVUR), for the five-year period 2015-2019, have been published.

The work of the VQR began in November 2020 and ended in February 2022. Italian higher education and research institutions provided the Groups of Expert Evaluators (GEV) with research products; UniGe sent 3423 publications and 11 Third Mission case studies to the research evaluation.

In the final ranking, based on the indicator describing thequality of the products of all researchers and the indicator describing the size of the universities, the University of Genoa ranks9th out of 61 Italian state universities.

The indicator of thequality of publications of UniGedoctoral students reports a value above the national average, placing UniGe in9th place in the ranking.

In the ranking of theThird Mission indicator, the University of Genoa, with a score that corresponds to the national average for the 11 case studies presented, ranks14th out of 61 Italian state universities.

The evaluation of the University of Genoa is much improved with respect to the previous evaluation round, which was affected by a high number of non conferred research products. The results of the VQR will be used by the MUR to distribute, already this year, 80% of the premium part of the Ordinary Financing Fund (FFO) and to identify the departments of Italian state universities that will be able to compete for an important extraordinary funding to support a five-year research and development project.

Further information and the complete press release are on the ANVUR website at the useful link.