
During the international conference "Centaurs, Horses and Horsemen in the Euboic Area. Archaeology, Social History and Iconographic Representations," organized by Elisabetta Villari, a researcher in Greek History at the University of Genoa, thanks to the collaboration with Bouvier David of the University of Lausanne, will discuss the practices, social transformations, myths and representations that spread from Greece into every area of European culture with the advent of horse breeding.

International experts will dialogue on archaeological, anthropological and historical-artistic approaches reflecting, from a non-anthropocentric perspective, on the human-animal relationship and the different values that, over time, the horse held as it became a symbol of war, power and prestige.


June 7 and 8, 2022


In-person, at the Genoa University Library at 40 Balbi Street, and online at Teams with code kigh1vx

More information is on, the University magazine, at the useful link.