The Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - DISTAV, the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - DCCI, the Department of Physics - DIFI and the Department of Italianism, Romance, Antiquity, Arts and Performing Arts - DIRAAS are proposing a study day open to all to discuss technical issues and regulatory aspects related to the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.
The seminar is organized as part of the master's degree course in Methodologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Genoa; 1 CFU will be recognized for students in the course.
A certificate of participation will be issued to interested parties who request it.
July 14, 2022, from 9:30 a.m.
In-person and online
Classroom 401 of DISTAV, Corso Europa 26, Genoa and on Teams (code xz1zdwr)
The program is available in the attached poster.