Genoa City Council, Istituto Poligrafico Zecca dello Stato and the University of Genoa organized CIE Day on Sept. 13, a day to illustrate to citizens the various uses of the electronic ID card not only as an identification document but also as a tool for accessing online services.

The University of Genoa hosted, at the courtyard in Via Balbi 5, one of the two stations set up for the event; here citizens were able to apply for the issuance of the new electronic document, retrieve PIN and PUK codes, if the data had been lost, and receive information on the use of the CIE.

UniGe wanted to provide an additional service to the citizenry: a photographer from the University took portraits for people who were without passport photos.

More than 120 CIEs were requested in the morning and in Balbi 5 alone. Given the large turnout, the event will be replicated soon.

Read more on, the University magazine, at the useful link.

(photo credits: ANSA Liguria)