
GUP - Genova University Press, the publishing house of the University of Genoa, will also be at the independent publishing fair.

During the event, GUP, with its authors, will present four new publications, "Pianta Analoga di Genova," "Euroflora 1966-2022," "Genova Barocca" and "L'opera immane."

The presence of Genova University Press at Book Pride Genova booth C48 also inaugurates the collaboration between UniGe and Creazioni al Fresco - Sc'Art, an association that runs creative workshops aimed at women prisoners, women on alternative measures and free women; items made using discarded UniGe banners and banners will be on sale.


Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 2022


Palazzo Ducale, Genoa - booth C48


Free entrance with hours 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

The full program and more information are at the useful link.