Online pre-registration reopens exclusively for male and female students who took the TOLC-F between Jan. 1, 2022 and Sept. 20, 2022.
From Oct. 6 to 12 p.m.Oct. 12,2022, it will be possible to pre-register online for the single-cycle master's degree programs in"Pharmacy" and"Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology."
A ranking list based on TOLC-F test scores will be published on Oct. 13. Ranked candidates will acquire the right to enroll only if there are still available places and the ranking list already published on Sept. 26 has not been exhausted.
The deadlines for possible enrollment will be communicated through publication on the study course website and on the online student services page.
However, applicants from the first ranking, published on September 26, will precede applicants from the October 13, 2022 ranking.
Please note: This notice does NOT apply to candidates and applicants already admitted to courses (as per the ranking published on September 26, 2022) and is RESTRICTED to those not yet pre-registered who have done the TOLC-F CASA or university between January 1, 2022 and September 20, 2022.