
The insecurity of sustainable society is the subject of research collected in a volume, edited by Stella Acerno, produced by the Genoa-based CEDU - Centro per l'educazione ai diritti umani OdV and published by GUP - Genova University Press, under the patronage of Amnesty International Italy.

Through interviews, analysis and reflections, the book delves into the problems that stand in the way of building a sustainable society and highlights the ways in which practical steps are being taken to solve them. While the pandemic has increased global fear and insecurity, there are also those who choose values that are functional to the life and evolution of our species. Millions of people around the world, defined by sociologists as "cultural creatives," are in fact recognizing themselves in a new paradigm and in the development of individual and planetary consciousness.

The book is presented to the audience with speeches by:

  • Stella Acerno, editor of the volume and president of the Center for Human Rights Education
  • Emanuele Russo, president of Amnesty International Italy
  • Nitamo Montecucco, president of the Global Village of Bagni di Lucca APS
  • Emanuela Patella, scientific director CELSO Institute for Oriental Studies, Genoa, Italy

with introductory greetings by Laura Colombino, vice dean of the School of Humanities, University of Genoa, and participation by Fabrizio Benente, pro-rector of Third Mission and Enrico Di Bella, editor of the series 'Society and Complexity' of Genova University Press.


October 28, 2022, 4 p.m.


Aula Magna of the School of Humanities, via Balbi 2, Genoa, Italy.

Teachers from schools of all levels who take part in the event can receive a certificate of participation.

The book sheet, also available in open access (e-book version), is on the GUP website, at the useful link.