
With an event open to all, the University of Genoa presents the evolution of an important third mission activity: after 39 years,"UniTE - University of the Third Age" transforms into"UniGeSenior - free courses for all ages" and inaugurates the academic year 2022/23.


November 9, 2022, 10 a.m.


Salone del Maggior Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale - Genoa

After greetings from Serena Bertolucci, director of Palazzo Ducale, Francesco Surdich, president of UniGeSenior, and Fabrizio Benente, UniGe pro-rector of Third Mission, Lauro Magnani will deliver the lectio magistralis entitled "Rubens and Genoa: themes and presences."

Find out more at, the University magazine, at the useful link.