While in Italian universities only one in seven patents is in the name of a woman, the University of Genoa boasts a record: 37.8 percent female inventors out of the total number of patent holders.

Taking a snapshot of the situation of inventions at the European level is research by Epo - European patent office, the European patent association. According to the study, in Italy only one invention in every seven in the period between 2010 and 2019 is in the name of a woman. But in the ranking of research organizations and institutions, UniGe, with its more than 100 active patents, ranks first, ahead of CNR with 35.3 percent and La Sapienza University of Rome with 35.1 percent.

On this topic at the useful link, in press review, is the article by Francesca Forleo for Il Secolo XIX published in the newspaper on November 8, 2022.