"Punto d'incontro" is an italian television format designed and produced in 2022 with Primocanale to allow the public to discover or explore some topics related to teaching, research and the third mission of the University of Genoa.
The nine episodes, each just over ten minutes long, aired over the course of the year, were hosted by Matteo Cantile in dialogue with:
- Federico Delfino
- Alessandro Armando "Cybersecurity and the Professions"
- Fabrizio Bracco "Innovation in Education"
- Marco Giovine "The Center of the Sea"
- Leo Lecci "The study of contemporary art in UniGe"
- Mario Marchese "After graduation, PhDs"
- Giacomo Montanari "The classical art heritage of UniGe"
- Andrea Pirni "The University Center on Security, Risk and Vulnerability"
- Eva Riccomagno "IANUA Graduate School and Consortium"
Recordings of "Punto d'incontro" are available (only in italian) on the website of Primocanale television, at the useful link.