
"Accident? Think about it PR.IM.A!"(PRevention, sperIMentation and contrAst) is a project funded by the Department of Anti-Drug Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and promoted by the City of Genoa to combat road accidents caused by alcohol and drugs.

Project partners are the University of Genoa, with the Department of Education Sciences and the Department of Architecture and Design, and Automobile Club of Genoa, which is proposing "Io scelgo. Acting and medical-psychological section against road accidents." This is an event consisting of a play on the theme of substance and alcohol abuse and the consequences of these behaviors for road safety followed by a debate, with speeches by doctors and psychologists, to raise awareness and inform the audience.


March 13, 2023, 11 a.m.


Palazzo Rosso Auditorium, vico Boccanegra, Genoa, Italy

About 150 high school juniors and 45 seniors participating in a UniGe citizenship training course are invited to the event.

On the Genoa City Council website, at the useful link, you can find details of the project "Accident? Think PR.IM.A!" (PRevention, sperIMentation and contrAst).