
UniGe joined the "Fridays for Future" event with 2 positive actions:

  • adherence to "The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Accord", an initiative to declare a climate emergency, coordinated by the Youth and Education Alliance of the UN Environment
  • the signing, for the first time in Italy, of a letter of intent, a symbol of UniGe's commitment to young people and their future. The Rector will sign the letter in front of the parade of the event on Friday 27 September at Via Balbi 5 at about 9.30 a.m.

Text of the letter of intent - 10 good practices

  • devote as many resources as possible to support action-oriented research and the creation of skills related to sustainability
  • become carbon neutral by 2030
  • to increase the supply of training on environmental sustainability through the preparation of awareness programs aimed at the academic community, educational centers, individual courses of study, and, where possible, involving student associations through conferences, seminars and other activities at each Department
  • to minimize electrical and thermal consumption through the requalification of the structures used and efficiency gains, also through the use of monitoring systems
  • eliminate, or at least significantly reduce, the use of disposable plastic in university premises by increasing the number of water distribution points and strengthening the system of separate waste collection
  • expand the extra-curricular training offer aimed at providing courses aimed at raising students' awareness of the theme of sustainability and the development of appropriate techniques and skills
  • identify in the University Commission on Environmental Sustainability "Sustainable Unity" the reference for internal university needs and assess the opportunity to include in the internal organizational structure a function dedicated to these issues (eg. Sustainability Office)
  • increase and improve the green areas in university spaces, promoting maintenance actions of the same
  • promote actions to make university structures more accessible and secure
  • raise awareness among the academic community (teachers, students and technical and administrative staff) of virtuous behavioural styles, for example by encouraging sustainable mobility and waste reduction.