From Monday, October 7, registration for the course is open again. They're still available:

  • 41 places for community students
  • 9 places for non-EU students residing abroad

To register, remember to submit your application online, using the procedure provided on the student portal of the University of Genoa (see attached link), by noon on Thursday, October 17, 2019.

The date of the admission interview is Monday, October 21, 2019 at 15:00 at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD).

N.B. The Courses of Study have deliberated to modify two articles of the announcement of admission as follows:

  • art. 11-Curricular requirements for undergraduate candidates: the texts "acquisition of the minimum number of 108 CFUs relating to training activities essential for the class L-17 Science of Architecture (ex DM 270/2004), as indicated in DM 16 March 2007" and "acquisition of at least 3 CFUs" (in the knowledge of a language of the European Union in addition to Italian certified by the curriculum of the degree course or by a special certificate at least B1 level) have been eliminated, therefore, only knowledge of a language of the European Union, in addition to Italian certified by the curriculum of the degree course or by a special certificate at least B1 level, is required
  • Art. 13 - Contents of the test and evaluation: the modified text is "for Graduates class L-17: average of the CFU weighted exams compared to 110 and a score from 0 to 18 points proportional to the number of CFU acquired (e.g. 0 points for 140 CFU, 18 points for 176 CFU)".