
Monday, October 28, 2019 we look forward to the presentation of the master's degree in computer engineering and the agreement

Participates in the presentation of the

double title EMECIS European Master in Engineering for Complex and Interacting Systems

The presentation is broadly divided into two parts:

- the first will illustrate the current organization of the teaching paths of the master's degree in computer engineering

- the second will illustrate the teaching and research activities carried out within the double title agreement called EMECIS ( in collaboration with the University of Compiègne, engineering school of the Sorbonne. In particular, activities will be illustrated also carried out by PhD students, former EMECIS students, in the field of automatic driving of vehicles within the joint laboratory with Renault.

If you want to participate please write a confirmation email to Prof. Roberto Sacile:

For more information, please read the attached programme.


Monday, 28 October 2019, 9 a.m.


Classroom E3, DIBRIS, via Opera Pia 13, Genoa
