The initiative "Rolli Days Digital Week" provides for the broadcasting, on the web portal dedicated to the event by the City of Genoa, of video content related to the monumental sites belonging to the UNESCO Site "Genoa: the New Roads and the System of Rolli Palaces" and bribes to it, whose historical, artistic and architectural values will be highlighted.
The initiative will take place from 16 to 23 May (included), and will be available "live" live or by viewing the recorded materials, which will be made available on the same site.
A total of about 20 hours of content will be delivered throughout the entire event. The students who will benefit from the initiative in full and at the end will answer a questionnaire on the contents (to be requested and then send, together with the answers, to the scientific curator, Dr. Giacomo Montanari,, will be given a credit in the "other knowledge". Dr. Montanari will send to the participating student the certificate to be submitted, by e-mail, to the Credits Commission of the course (prof. Gianluca Ameri,; prof. Nicola Cucuzza,