Dear Students,

below is some basic information about the next exams in May and June. A vademecum on the exams will soon be available, prepared by the University, which will contain more precise indications and of which we will make you aware. The University website is always the place to refer to for safe and official information.

- the exams in May and June will certainly be held at a distance (most likely also in July)

- the dates of appeals remain unchanged

- Since it will be necessary to establish a sequence of candidates to whom to assign timetables, it is necessary that students register for the exam a few days in advance, in order to give the teachers time to build the sequence. The minimum interval between the day of registration by the student and the date of the exam has been set at five days for all exams.

- The privileged platform to hold the exams at a distance is Microsoft Teams, which many of you already know because many teachers have used it for the lessons of the second semester. However, we enclose a short guide prepared by the University that also explains how to register (free of charge) for those who have not already done so.

- if you have objective difficulties in finding one or more texts indicated in the examination bibliography, try to check whether the teacher in charge of teaching has proposed alternatives or uploaded additional materials on the teaching form or on the Aulaweb; if this is not the case, try to contact the teacher directly via e-mail, indicating your difficulties and asking for indications for a replacement text that is more available at the moment or for materials available online, if this is possible.