From 24 October to 4 November 2019, during the Genoa Science Festival, the exhibition "Art & Science: the elements of creativity" was set up in the Villa Croce Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

Art & Science across Italy is a European project organized by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and CERN in Geneva to promote scientific culture to young people. The aim is to bring them closer to the world of science and research, using the languages of art and science both.

The UniGe Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry joined the project from the beginning, organizing meetings and seminars with high school students, and then offering their laboratories to create the works for the exhibition.

Attending university has also allowed these students to better understand what it means to study science subjects in a university environment, helping them to choose with more consciousness what to study once they have finished high school.

To know what happened during the Genoese stopover, please watch the video at the first useful link. To learn more about thge project, please visit the dedicated page at the second link.