The initiative "Rolli Days Digital Week" has provided for the broadcasting, on the web portal dedicated to the event by the City of Genoa, of video content related to the monumental sites belonging to the UNESCO Site "Genoa: the New Roads and the System of Rolli Palaces" and bribes to it.
The initiative was held from 16 to 23 May. All the contents are available at the useful link.
If you follow the whole initiative (also by viewing the registered materials) and at the end you correctly answer a questionnaire on the contents (to be requested and then sent by June 10, accompanied by the answers, to the scientific curator, Dr. Giacomo Montanari,, you will be recognized 1 CFU in the "other knowledge".
Dr. Montanari will send you the certificate to be submitted, by e-mail, to the Credits Commission of the course (Prof. Gianluca Ameri,; Prof. Nicola Cucuzza,