An agreement has just been signed, which establishes the alliance between the two, with the initials of the Rector of the University of Genoa Prof. Paolo Comanducci and the national president of the Collegio Giovanni Lettich.
The need to enter into this agreement arises from the awareness that in almost all countries of the world there has been a university training course dedicated to officers of the merchant ships for many years. Our officers often found themselves working on ships of international companies alongside colleagues, demonstrating absolute parity of skills in the face of the lack of a formal title.
Maritime science and techonology is affiliated, together with other three-year and master's degree courses, to the "Centro del mare", a project that the University of Genoa has chosen to dedicate to the blue economy sector, with the desire to coordinate activities 360° dedicated to the sea, to open up more and more and to cooperate with external realities.