ULYSSEUS is the name of the alliance, created with the financial support of the Erasmus + and Horizon 2020 programmes, which, over the next three years, will involve the University of Genoa together with five other European universities: University of Seville (Spain), Université Côte d’Azur, (France), Technicka Univerzita v Kosiciach (Slovakia), Management Center Innsbruck (Austria) and Haaga-Helia University (Finland).

It is an important achievement and an undoubted recognition of the excellence of the Genoese University and its increasingly innovative design capacity. The UniGe team, coordinated by the Pro-Rector for International Relations, has worked on the creation of a strategic network of universities to improve the quality, inclusion, digitalization and attractiveness of European Higher Education.

The ULYSSEUS alliance thus integrates four European regions and six different universities, firmly rooted in their territories, sharing common objectives and successful long-term cooperation. From North to South, from the oldest to the youngest, from full universities to specialised universities, from established and research-based universities to experts in entrepreneurship and academic innovation. This diversity and common goals are the strength of ULYSSEUS to create a dynamic and versatile alliance, built with the support of its 95 associated partners, ready to develop an agile but sustainable and proactive community to boost the four missions of the higher education institution (education, research, innovation and service to society) through a Territorial and Digital Innovation Ecosystem.

The European challenge to internationalisation and modernisation of education systems promoted by "ULYSSEUS: An open to the world, persons-centred and entrepreneurial European University for the citizenship of the future" will involve over 182,000 students and academic and non-academic staff and aims to take a step forward in the Erasmus + programme by creating a European University.