The University of Genoa continues with concrete actions to support its students and their families to contain the economic hardship resulting from the prolonged health emergency.

  • FOR FULL-TIME MATERIALS: the NO TAX AREA (zeroing of the university contribution) has been extended by extending the maximum threshold of the ISEEU value from €13,000 to €24,000, thus exceeding the threshold of €20,000 established by the Ministry.
  • FOR THE YEARS SUCCESSED TO THE FIRST YEARS, with full-time registration: NO TAX AREA expanded in compliance with merit/ISEEU/registration requirements
  • increased the partial exemption from the university contribution for deserving students enrolled full time and with ISEEU from €24,001 to €30,000.
  • reduced the contribution to be paid to take the State exams
  • increased from 10 to 30 days to pay taxes beyond the due date with a minimum delay of €20

For more information, UniGe staff is available to students at the InfoPoint in via Balbi 5, Genoa, Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm, or by writing to