For the entire duration of the autumn semester of the year 2020/21, the teaching of the course will be provided in telematic mode.

For this reason you are invited to subscribe as soon as possible to the channels of interest on the AulaWeb platform. From there you can find the links to access also the Teams channels where lessons and exercises will take place.

The Course Council hopes that at the end of the teaching season you will be able to check the conditions to be able to take in the presence of at least the exams.

Each teacher will guarantee his availability for the reception in telematic mode, while for the reception in presence (by appointment), the availability will be subject to the possibilities of each teacher.

Hoping to be able to re-establish as soon as possible the conditions to have the teaching in attendance, on this occasion the Course Council and the Coordinator have the pleasure to show you their sign of WELCOME to the Course and in UniGe.