On Monday, 5 October 2020, we will hold the Admission test on Aulaweb.
It is compulsory for all students enrolled in the 1st year (to know if you are exempt, please visit the first useful link).
In order to take part in the test (necessary condition to be able to fill in the plan of study) you must book by Saturday, October 3, 2020.
To better understand the modalities of the test, you are invited to a preliminary meeting with Professor Simona Morando on Friday, October 2, 2020 at 3 pm, on the "Teams" channel accessible with the code i6hx03k.
As far as the contents are concerned, the test consists in the written elaboration of a summary and a comment on a prose text. The comprehension of the text and language, correctness and mastery of written Italian are evaluated. If you do not pass the test, you will be involved in a recovery process, parallel to the course of the lessons foreseen in the study plan.
To book and to know how to take the test, please visit the second useful link.