By logging in with your UniGe credentials to the first useful link, you will be able to view the merit list for the Arch-ed test for admission to the Bachelor of Architecture.

Have you been admitted?

Provisions valid for:

- EU and non-EU candidates admitted resident in Italy

- admitted non-EU candidates residing abroad

If you have been admitted you must register online, no later than noon on Wednesday 30 September 2020, through the registration procedure that you can find at the second useful link. This procedure must be completed within the said deadline according to all the steps provided for byart.8 of the Acceptance Notice, which you will find attached.

N.B. Failure to register by 12 noon on 30th September 2020 will result in the cancellation of the registration.

Did you result ideoneo?

If you are an "eligible candidate" you can submit a request for reassignment of places in case there are available as a result of renunciations.

To submit the application, by and no later than noon on 30 September 2020, you must go to the UniGe Online Services page available at the third useful link.

If places are available and on the basis of the applications submitted, a list of those who can register will be published on October 5, 2020. This list will be published on the website of the Degree Course in Architectural Sciences in the News and Events section.

The list will be prepared taking into account the merit ranking. If you fall within the available places you will have to enrol exclusively online, with the same modalities indicated in art. 8 of the Admission Notice, attached, no later than noon on October 9, 2020. If you do not register within this deadline, you will have to renounce to the same.

Once this deadline has expired, in the event that there are still places available and the list of suitable candidates has not been exhausted, the procedure will be repeated with the deadlines and procedures contained in a special notice published on the website of the Degree Course. In any case, the procedure will be repeated no later than November 30, 2020.

Are you an Eligible Candidate from other universities?

If any vacancies become available, a notice will be published on this website with indications for expressions of interest from candidates who have passed the admission test at other universities.