Save the Children, as part of the program "RewritetheFuture", relaunches a study support intervention aimed at children and young people at risk of early school leaving, with the activation of a voluntary service.

Volunteer university students are adequately selected and trained, not to replace teachers or educators, but to be reference figures and accompany children and young people online in their studies.

Minimum time required: 2 or 3 hours in 1 or 2 times a week, for a minimum period of 4 months

Activity period: December 2020 to September 2021

Training: the preparation of the volunteers will be very thorough, in order to include the students in the activity in the best possible way. A basic training in 2 days of about 5 hours and 5 specific training of 2 hours each (10 hours in all in 2 months) on:

  • distance learning accompaniment: inclusive and participatory tools and methods
  • Learning by doing: games and workshop activities to promote learning by doing.
  • psycho-social approach for the management of experiences and emotional aspects in this period of precariousness
  • study accompaniment with BES/DSA
  • educational relationship with minors and families of foreign origin who often do not speak Italian well

Entry: the volunteer could be called immediately after the training or later, the activation time depends on the request of the schools

How to join: fill in the form at the first useful link and you will be contacted in the following weeks by the volunteer training unit

For more information visit the "Rewrite the Future" campaign website at the second useful link.