UniGe participates in Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2020, the largest European event on innovation:
- Katia Perini (Department of Architecture and Design - DAD) and Enrica Roccotiello (Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences - DISTAV) present a talk on"Light systems for moss construction". The lightweight moss system for the greening of building envelopes represents a challenge for the low-cost cladding of urban structures. Thepatented invention aims to reduce the surface temperatures of buildings by absorbing air pollutants thanks to moss species specially selected and tested for resistance to water stress. Details at the first useful link.
- Corrado Boragno (Department of Physics - DIFI) presents the project "FLEHAP: an Energy Harvesting device for IoT" with a device, developed in collaboration between DIFI, DICCA and DITEN, of Energy Harvesting conceived to power a sensor node for Internet of Things. It transforms the kinetic energy of a fluid in motion in electrical energy. It is cheap, robust and customizable. Many parts can be printed by a 3D printer.Details at the second useful link.
Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2020 is a free and completely online event; all details at the third useful link.