
Are you a Computer Science Master Student about to start the thesis project but still dubious about the topic?

Or maybe you already have ideas but you need some guidance about bureaucracy, deadlines and what actually means working on a master thesis?

Then don't miss our Faculty Day: Thesis Expo. 

When: Wednesday 16th December 2020

What time: 4 PM

Where: TEAMS - code to join the team: 9q7nbp5

This event is a unique chance to browse the proposed thesis projects and ongoing external collaborations. It is also an occasion for gathering all the information you need (and more) without browsing websites, aulaweb pages and sending emails.

The event will develop as follows:

- 16:00 "How To... Thesis" - Francesca Odone will give a talk about everything thesis-related, from when you should start looking for a topic to how final grades are decided by the commission.

- 16:30 "Studying abroad with Erasmus+" - Manuela Chessa is going to explain everything you need to know about working on a thesis abroad.

- 17:00 Let's move to, here you will find professors, researchers and PhD students, you can explore thesis opportunities, talk to the tutors, ask questions. Let's meet "virtually".