The Royal Society offers, through the International Exchanges Programme, several grants for research mobility in the UK in the field of natural sciences and related fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, physics.

The aim of the Programme is to stimulate new collaborations between UK scientists and scientists of other nationalities, therefore existing collaborations will not be funded.


The application must be submitted by a Principal Investigator (PI - Applicant) resident in the UK, on the basis of a project developed jointly with a foreign co-PI (co-Applicant).

At the time of application, both the UK PI and the foreign co-PI must have completed a PhD - or have equivalent research experience; must not be a former colleague or, respectively, PhD student/supervisor; must reside in their respective countries; and must hold a contract (open-ended or fixed-term for the duration of the project) in an eligible organisation in their respective countries.

N.B. Industrial, private and commercial organisations, spin-offs or governmental bodies are not eligible.

Participation of young researchers such as PhD students or post-doctoral researchers is particularly encouraged. Please read carefully the conditions of ineligibility detailed in the announcement.


Short/long term bilateral visits between UK and foreign research groups are funded.

The typologies are the following

  • unilateral visits from 1 week to 3 months: amount up to £ 3000
  • multiple bilateral visits to be completed within 1 year: amount up to £6000 (£1500 of which can be spent on project consumables)
  • multiple bilateral visits to be completed within 2 years: amount up to £12000 (of which £3000 may be spent on project consumables)


The application is submitted by the PI from the UK entity through the Flexi-Grant system.

We recommend that you contact the UK PI in good time, as they are the only ones authorised to invite the foreign co-PI.

N.B. A letter of support signed by the foreign co-PI's departmental director is also required.


  • Wednesday, March 10
  • Thursday 10 June
  • Wednesday, September 29th

Results are generally available after 4-5 months.

The complete text of the call is available at the useful link.

For further information on the call and on how to participate, contact the Research and International Scientific Cooperation Sector by writing to

If you participate, remember to send a copy of your project to