The application process for the next intake of the MSc in Robotics Engineering at the Università degli Studi di Genova for students holding an extra-EU degree is now over!
We received an impressive number of applications. A few facts:
1/ We received 1097 applications, from February 20th, 2023 to May 31st, 2023.
2/ Acceptance rate: 131 applicants have been approved (11.9%, down from the 13.1% in the previous academic year).
3/ Gender balance.
a/ applicants: 146 females (13.31% of total applicants) and 951 males (86.7%)
b/ accepted: 37 females (28.2% of total accepted applicants) and 146 males (71.8%)
We have seen an increase of 20% in female applicants (146 vs 122) with respect to the previous academic year! They were 101 two years ago, so the positive trend is continuing. The ratio of accepted females over the total amount of applications has also risen from 24.6% to 28.2% this year.
4/ Countries we received applications from are (ordered by the number of applicants): Pakistan 360, Iran 230, India 205, Algeria 78, Bangladesh 68, Afghanistan 40, Ethiopia 24, Egypt 10, Turkey 10, Lebanon 8, Syria 8, Nigeria 6, Ghana 4, Sri Lanka 4, Kazakhstan 3, Saudi Arabia 3, Indonesia 2, Jordan 2, Morocco 2, Nepal 2, Somalia 2, Tunisia 2, United Kingdom 2, Yemen 2, Australia 1, Camerun 1, Canada 1, Colombia 1, Ecuador 1, Guatemala 1, Israel 1, Ivory Coast 1, Kuwait 1, Libya 1, Mexico 1, Ruanda 1, Sudan 1, Tanzania 1, Qatar 1, Russia 1, United Arab Emirates 1, Uzbekistan 1, Zaire 1
5/ Backgrounds are diverse, all related to topics in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering.
I hope to see you all in the classroom in September!