The Final Event: "The urban planning projects for the Hospital of Lavagna: an integrated and propositional urban assessment for future developments" took place on 26 June 2024 in Engineering.

The students of the Course in Urban Planning Technique and Laboratory (referees: Prof. F. Pirlone, I. Spadaro) presented the design projects carried out that can be integrated into a single sustainable regeneration project for the Lavagna Hospital

The event ended with an equal evaluation of the two groups, given the professionalism and commitment shown by all the students.

The results of the Competition promoted by the Liguria Region_ASLĀ 4, the Health Commission of the Order of Engineers of Genoa in collaboration with the University of Genoa - DICCA and the Master's Degree Course in Building Engineering-Architecture, were reported in the publication of the Order of Engineers of Genoa of April-June 2024 (see attachment).