Degree Thesis Award Announcement
"Chiavari and the Monumental Complex of Capoborgo"
The "O Castello" Cultural Association, founded in Chiavari in 1981, announces the 2025 edition of the Degree Thesis Award
Degree theses, which for over thirty years has offered recognition to deserving papers promoting and enhancing the
territory, its history, its traditions and its peculiarities.
For the first time, the Prize is being awarded for the first time.
For the first time, the Prize is being realised in synergy with the Municipality of Chiavari and is dedicated to the study and
enhancement of the monumental complex of Capoborgo, consisting of the Villa Rocca botanical park with its
Tea Pavilion and the Arena, Palazzo Rocca, the Garden, the San Francesco Auditorium and the Friars' Pharmacy, analysed
from the botanical, historical, artistic-cultural and architectural-structural points of view.
The winning entries will be awarded a cash prize.
Expiry date: 31 July 2025
Information and call for entries are available in the annexes to this notice.