The free online course (Massive Open Online Course - MOOC) "Managing Sustainability: Theory and Practice" is now available via EduOpen at the first useful link.


The course, in English and lasting about 8 hours (including educational material and final test), is offered by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Finance (, directed by Prof. Michele Siri), under the coordination of Professor Eugenia Macchiavello and with the collaboration several renown national and international experts.

The course aims at training professionals, corporate board members and executives (present and future ones) on sustainable finance and sustainable management. The integration and development of new sustainability-related competences and skills represent now a fundamental requirement for entrepreneurs and the economic sector in general. This also contributes to the transformation of business strategies, practices, services and products towards more sustainable products, at the benefit of the society as a whole. 

The course is free and open to all. It is recommended – but not required – the previous participation to the MOOCs already made available through Eduopen by the Eusfil centre: “Introduction to Sustainability, Sustainable Finance and the role of Law” (second useful link) and “Sustainability in the EU Company and Financial Law” (third useful link).

At the end of the course a badge and a certificate of attendance will be issued.