
The Italian Geological Society and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and

Petrology are pleased to announce the 7th edition of the joint SGI-SIMP initiative

SGI-SIMP initiative that aims to stimulate a critical interdisciplinary debate on

interdisciplinary debate on topics in the Geosciences.

The theme of this edition of the DISTINGUISHED LECTURES is "THE EARTH WHERE

MAN CANNOT REACH" and will be treated with the contributions of Rodolfo

Carosi (University of Turin) "The high grade metamorphic rocks in the

Himalayas: a window on the internal processes of the Earth" and by Fabrizio

Nestola (University of Padua) "Messenger diamonds from the depths of the


The conferences will be held jointly on Friday 29 January, at 16.30

16.30, on the SIMP Zoom platform and on the SGI Youtube Channel.

Join the conferences from your computer, tablet or smartphone

