
You are invited to DigForEthics, an event that is part of the dissemination activities of the DigForASP

COST Action.

DigForEthics is a conversation on Digital Forensics, Ethics, Law and

Artificial Intelligence.


January 28-29, 2021

from 9AM to 4PM


MS Teams


See link below in the useful links section

To join, please register via this form:


Please note that there is a high but still limited number of places

available due to technical constraints with Teams: the sooner you

register, the better!


Although not necessarily (and not everywhere in the same way) what is

ethical is legal, and vice-versa, ethics and law are at the hearth of

human societies since their dawn, and their relations have been studied

for centuries. This is not the case for the relations between ethics and

more recent disciplines like Digital Forensics (DF) and Artificial

Intelligence (AI), where the ethical question has been necessarily

raised much more recently. Despite their short history, "Ethics in AI"

and "Ethics in DF" are emerging as two among the biggest issues of this


The technologies that drive AI and DF are almost the same all over the

world, but law changes from country to country, and not only different

cultures follow different ethical principles, but also different

individuals belonging to the same cultural group do. When AI is

exploited in the domains of DF and Law, their interplay, along with the

interplay with specific cultural aspects, makes the ethical question

extremely delicate and complex, and for this reason extremely urgent, to


The DigForASP COST Action (Digital forensics: evidence analysis via

intelligent systems and practices, CA17124, launched on 10th September

2018 for 4 years), thanks to its strongly interdisciplinary nature, is a

perfect framework for conversating on AI, DF, Law and Ethics.

In this two days event, judges, lawyers, experts of DF, of AI, and of

data privacy will share their point of view on the ethical threats that

the adoption of intelligent automated techniques may bring to their

profession on the one hand, and how to mitigate them and turn them into

opportunities, on the other.


Times are CET

=== JAN 28th 2021

9.00-9.20: Welcome and opening

9.20-9.45: Virginia Dignum (computer scientist)

9.45-10.10: Carles Sierra (computer scientist)

10.10-10.30: Coffee Break

10.30-10.55: Amedeo Santosuosso (judge)

10.55-11.20: Vicenç Torra (computer scientist)

11.20-13.00: Round Table

13.00-14.00: Lunch Break

14.00-16.00: Discussion open to all the registered attendees

=== JAN 29th 2021

Times are CET

9.00-9.20: Welcome and opening

9.20-9.45: Stefania Costantini (on AI & Ethics, with a focus on Digital

Forensics and Legal aspects)

9.45-10.10: Francesca Lisi (on AI & Ethics, with a focus on Digital

Forensics and Legal aspects)

10.10-10.35: David Billard (on AI & Data Anonymization, with a focus on

Digital Forensics and Legal aspects)

10.35-10.55: Coffee Break

10.55-11.20: Mattia Epifani (on Digital Forensics)

11.20-11.45: Andrea Stanchi (on Ethics and Law)

11.45-13.00: Round Table

13.00-14.00: Lunch Break

14.00-16.00: Discussion open to all the registered attendees


The DigForASP COST Action members Viviana Mascardi and Juan Carlos

Nieves, with the support of Aleksandra Dedinec and Szilvia Nagy
