
On Tuesday November 30th and on Tuesday December 14th at 3pm we will host Ing. Alberto Vigna and Ing. Giovanni Fantoni, both Alumni from UniGe, as guest lecturers to Maritime Science and Technology students.

On November 30th Ing. Giovanni Fantoni, who works as Technical Manager and Technical Superintendent in companies such as Maritime Cook Islands Ltd and Carbofin S.p.A. will give students an overview on International Maritime Organization (IMO), while on December 14th Ing. Alberto Vigna, currently Director of Technical department at Carbofin S.P.A., will be interviewed by Prof. Maria Serena Ciambellotti - Leadership and Teamworking course - together with the third year students on his professional career, sharing real life anecdotes. It will be a precious and exciting opportunity to meet two professionals and learn from their direct experiences, useful to those ready to start their journey onboard.

Lecturers will be in presence at 3pm in Via all'Opera Pia 15, Room B14, Genova.

Please follow the usual procedure to book your seat.

link for Nov. 30th

link for Dec. 14th