Dear friends,
The Department of Law of the University of Genoa has started, starting from the academic year 2020/2021, a structured mobility program for the award of an Italian-French double degree, following an Agreement with the Faculté de Droit et Science Politique of the Université Côte d'Azur of Nice.
The Agreement is part of the internationalization process strongly promoted by the Department of Law, with the aim of allowing students to gain a highly qualified study experience abroad and to promote the competitiveness of graduates on the national and international scene.
The students selected to participate in the international course (according to the criteria and procedures set out in the Announcement) will spend their fourth year in Nice - on the basis of an integrated study plan, consisting of exams defined in the Agreement, selected specifically for the double degree course among those offered by the University of Genoa and the partner university - and, at the end of the program, will obtain two degrees: the Law Degree and the Licence Droit.
In order to illustrate the path of the Double Degree and provide you with all the useful information, on Friday, April 16, 2021, at 10 am, there will be a meeting via Teams - where also the French representatives of the program will intervene - which you can participate by accessing the group called "Italian-French Double Degree", through the access code aov9nex.
Hoping to meet (virtually) many of you at the meeting, I thank you for your attention and greet you very cordially.
Prof. Patrizia Magaròssa Patrizia Magarò
Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Law