OnWednesday 22 September 2021, starting at 10 a.m., a welcome day for freshmen will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform, organised by the guidance delegate of the School of Humanities and the other members of the guidance committee. Tutors will be present.

Useful information will be provided in relation to the imminent start of teaching activities and in the second part of the morning there will be in-depth information on individual degree courses.

The initiative is aimed at all enrolled students, both those enrolled in three-year courses and those enrolled in master's degree courses.

To participate, simply download the Microsoft Teams application onto your device using your UniGePASS credentials (for registration to Microsoft Office 365-Unige see the instructions at the first useful link).

The code of the team where the freshman day will take place issbpalti.

The attached guide provides instructions on how to participate in Teams using the code.