In application of the Guidelines for Teaching - December 2021, which will come into force from January 2022, teaching and curricular activities must be carried out primarily in presence. However, in order to guarantee teaching continuity, students in certain conditions will be admitted to distance learning classes:

1. students residing outside the regional territory;

2. students who are precluded from accessing university facilities on the basis of the following conditions

a. fever over 37.5° or other symptoms of acute influenza-like respiratory infection or other symptoms consistent with COVID-19;

b. currently undergoing quarantine or fiduciary home isolation with health surveillance in accordance with applicable regulations;

c. have had, to the best of their knowledge, close contact with confirmed or suspected cases in the previous 14 days;

3. students exempt from the vaccination campaign on the basis of appropriate medical certification issued according to criteria defined by the Ministry of Health.

The Course of Studies may carry out checks or require written statements from students.

Therefore, the Directorate has established in general that also for the second semester the mode of lectures will be mixed (in-person and online according to the teaching schedules being published).