The educational arrangements for the 2020/21 pandemic are affected by the evolution of the COVID19 pandemic and the constraints it imposes in relation to social distancing. Since it is not foreseeable that a situation of normality will be reached at least in the first semester of this academic year, I consider it appropriate, as Coordinator, to provide some clarifications on the didactic modalities that we propose in this first semester in agreement with the colleagues of the Course of Studies in compliance with the guidelines provided by the University.

In the first semester the lessons of the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering will be held from 21/09/2020 to 23/12/2020 with timetable available through the portal dedicated to the link:

The lessons will be held online using the Microsoft Teams platform and some activities will be proposed in the presence of the teachers of the Course of Study in agreement with the students, using the following classrooms of the Villa Cambiaso Didactic Pole : Classroom A7 for the first year and Classroom A4 for the second year. These activities will be planned and organized according to the rules indicated by the University.

If you are enrolled or pre-registered you can access directly on Aulaweb at the link: where you will find the material and instructions for the Microsoft Teams platform codes of the individual teachings.

By the end of September a meeting with the Coordinator will be organized to illustrate the course of studies in detail and the news of this Academic Year.