The Master's degree course in Philology and Science of Antiquity will be presented to freshmen on 23 September, 3.00 p.m., lecture hall 6, via Balbi 2: all students are invited to attend.


1. Lessons and admission tests

Classes will be held in presence, in mixed mode. Students will be able to book their place in the classroom through the MyUnige app (for detailed explanations, see the"Booking a place in the classroom"guideattached to this notice), until the number of places available has been used up. In sync, for those who cannot attend in person or who are not able to book a place in the classroom, it will be possible to follow the lessons from home through the Teams platform (each course has a particular code, which will be indicated on the course sheet: see the list of courses at

In order to follow the lessons from home through the Teams platform you need to register with Office 365-Unige. Everything is explained in the first useful link.

In order to access the classrooms and attend the lessons you need a Green Pass.

As soon as the lessons start (check the starting days and the timetables of the first semester lessons you are interested in at you can already start attending, but remember that you have to undergo an access interview, as indicated in the second useful link.

2. For practical information

- You can also ask for information from:

Sportello Unico Studenti di Scienze Umanistiche

Via Balbi 4 - ground floor 16126 Genova

+39 010 209 51690

  • For information on enrolment and registration, recognition of exams from previous careers, part-time enrolment, resumption of studies, transfers, change of course, withdrawal from studies, badges, issue of certificates and duplicates, please write to
  • For general information about the degree course, study plans and degree application please write to

- The degree course has activated a general page of AulaWeb (see the third useful link) to which all students are enrolled. Check that you have been added, otherwise enroll yourself by clicking on "Spontaneous enrollment (Student)". The Coordinator periodically publishes important notices on this page: always check your Unige mailbox to stay updated!

3. Study plan and student tutors

If you need help to fill in the study plan, and in general if you have doubts, curiosity and need help in relation to your first contacts with the magistral program, contact the reception tutors (you can find their contacts on the following page These tutors can be reached by e-mail, and they also receive students both in person (room O, via Balbi 4) and online (on Teams, code ub0u9tn).

The calendar of tutors' meetings for the month of September is attached to this notice (this calendar is updated every month on the Orientation and tutoring website).