In the past few days, an official visit to Liguria took place - first in La Spezia and then in Genoa - by Carlos de la Mota, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Dominican Republic and Director of the Institute of Dominicans and Dominican Women Abroad, accompanied by Consul General Nelson Carela Luna, the Deputy Minister's Chief of Staff Pablo Asencio, Vice Consuls Carlos L. Girón Franco and Denny Reyes Montero, and by intercultural mediator and consular assessor David Pazmiño.
Among the appointments on the agenda, also a meeting with Agostino Massa, UniGe professor of general sociology and delegate for international relations of the Department of Political and International Sciences - DISPI. On the agenda was the fruitful collaboration established between the Consulate General in Genoa and DISPI and the good prospects of initiating academic cooperation agreements with universities in the Antilles country, in addition to the one already in place with the Instituto Tecnologico de las Americasa (ITLA).