September 15 The online procedure for submission of study plans opened.

The deadline for completion is October 20*.

For more information and instructions on filling out go to the dedicated item on the Students menu of your Course of Study website.

If you want help in filling out your study plan and, in general, if you have doubts, curiosity, and need help in relation to your first contacts with the world of university, contact the guidance tutors. Contacts are posted on the following page of our School's website:

Tutors are students further along the course of study who can help you with their experience. There are specific tutors for each degree program; they can be reached via e-mail, and also receive students both in person (Room O, Via Balbi 4 ground floor, next to the building concierge) and telematically (on Teams, code x4fwzrv). The schedule of tutors' receptions is posted on the School website (every month this schedule is updated; you can check the reception times both on the School website and physically, since they are posted on the bulletin board next to Room O, Via Balbi 4). 


*exceptions to the Oct. 20 deadline are available: consult your Course of Study website